Academic Standards Office

Academic Standing

Academic Standing is a student’s status towards meeting the minimum Academic Standards at 足彩平台Academic Standing is only based on credits and grades at 足彩平台 (UW-W).

Ways to view your UW-W Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) (Cumulative GPA) and Academic Standing:

  1. AAR > View UW-W Cumulative GPA (Cumulative GPA) on 1st page * Do NOT use Combined GPA*
  2. Grades tile on WINS
  3. Unofficial Transcript

GPA Types:

足彩平台 Cumulative GPA (Referred to as Cumulative GPA):

This Grade Point Average is a combination of all 足彩平台 Courses you have taken and is used for Academic Standing at 足彩平台

Transfer GPA:

This Grade Point Average is from any transfer courses that you may have brought in if you attended another institution before 足彩平台

Combined GPA:

This Grade Point Average is a combination between your Transfer GPA and your 足彩平台 GPA. This is only used by certain colleges on campus for program admission and graduation purposes.

足彩平台 Term GPA:

This Grade Point Average will change each term based on your academic performance. It is only based on the classes you took for the term.

  • In order to remain in Good Standing, students must have a 足彩平台 Term and Cumulative GPA of a 2.00 or above.
  • Some colleges and/or programs may require a Combined GPA above a 2.00 in order to remain in Good Academic Standing within their programs. The Combined GPA includes transfer credit work if applicable and UW-W course work.
  • If you're attempting to determine what your Grade Point Average will be after a given semester, you can visit the GPA Calculator on the Registrar’s Office Webpage.
  • Any student whose Term GPA falls below a 2.0 will be placed on Academic Warning
  • Students will be limited to 15 credit/units of enrollment in the following term.
  • A student who is placed on Academic Warning must earn a Term GPA and UWW Cumulative GPA of a 2.0 or higher in the following term of enrollment. If the 2.0 GPA is not obtained, the student will move to Academic Probation. A student on Academic Warning cannot be dismissed.
  • Students can be on Academic Warning for multiple terms. 
  • Any student whose 足彩平台 Cumulative GPA falls below a 2.00.
  • Students can be on Academic Probation for multiple semesters, as they will stay on Academic Probation if they maintain a TERM GPA of 2.00 or higher but have a UWW Cumulative GPA that is below a 2.00
  • Students must have a 2.0 Term and 2.0 UWW Cumulative GPA to get back in Good Standing the following semester
  • A student on Academic Probation will be limited to 15 credits/units of enrollment in the following term
    • A student will be Academically Dismissed from the University (ineligible to enroll in the next term) when they are on Academic Probation and have a subsequent TERM GPA and UWW Cumulative GPA below a 2.0 will be Academically Dismissed.


    • Students will be notified of their Academic Dismissal by the following:
      • When grades are officially posted to a student’s academic record
      • From the Academic Standards office via their UWW Email following when grades are official.
      • Through a text messages via Navigate informing them there has been an Academic Standing Change and to check their WINS and Email account
      • Students who are Academically Dismissed are no longer eligible to attend UW-W for the next Fall or Spring Term.
    • Student who were dismissed are allowed to take a Winterim or Summer course to try to improve their UWW Term or Cumulative GPA to a 2.0 or above to get back into the University either on an Academic Warning, Probation, or Good Standing status before the next Fall or Spring Term begins 
      • Note: Summer and Winterim classes can only help a student; they cannot hurt their Academic Standing. It is recommended you meet with Academic Advisor to explore this option.
    • Students who are Academically Dismissed will have their classes for the upcoming semester (excluding Summer or Winterim courses) dropped if they don’t submit an appeal or if their appeal is denied.
    • Students who are Academically Dismissed are no longer eligible and do not qualify for Financial Aid. This can adversely affect students who want to take Summer/Winter courses to raise their GPA.
    • Students who are Academically Dismissed are no longer eligible for athletics, veterans’ benefits, or to remain in the U.S. if they are an international student.
    • Students who are Academically Dismissed cannot live on campus and will be removed from University Housing. However, students have until the end of the Appeal Deadline and Academic Standards Committee decision process before they will be removed. If students are Reinstated then you will be able to live in University Housing. Housing will send all students who are Academically Dismissed an email with instructions following the appeal deadline. Please make sure you follow the directions in the email.  
    • Questions about the reinstatement process can be directed to the Academic Standards Office, Roseman Hall 2054.
  • A course in which a grade of C- or below (C-, D+, D, D-, F, or NC) was originally earned may be repeated once for grade replacement. The grade and credits earned for the repeated course will replace those earned in the initial attempt when calculating grade point average and credits toward degree.
  • Courses taken initially at 足彩平台 may not be taken at another institution to replace the 足彩平台 grade and credit.
  • All attempts of repeated courses, including the grades, remain on academic records and transcripts even though they may not be included in the GPA calculation or earned credits. Students should be aware that graduate schools and other institutions to which they might wish to transfer may not accept repeats and may include all grades in calculating GPA for admission.
  • Student athletes, veterans and international students should check with the appropriate UW-W school officials before repeating or dropping courses as it may affect their eligibility or financial benefits.
  • The full repeat policy appears on the Registrar's Office web page under the "Policies" link.
  • For further information, students should consult their Academic Advisor.

Students who have been academically dismissed must either:

  • Submit an Appeal for Reinstatement and be approved by the Academic Standards Committee to come back for Fall or Spring. Students can appeal in January for Spring or June and August for Fall. See Deadlines Page
  • Take a Winterim or Summer course to try to improve their  UWW Term or Cumulative GPA to a 2.0 or above to get back into the University either on an Academic Warning, Probation, or Good Standing status before the next Fall or Spring Term begins 
    • Note: Summer and Winterim classes can only help a student; they cannot hurt their Academic Standing. It is recommended you meet with Academic Advisor to explore this option.


  • Sit out for one semester following their Academic Dismissal
    • Students who have been dismissed once only needs to sit out a semester
    • A student who has been dismissed two times or more will need to do a Re-Entry Application and meet with the Academic Standards Coordinator. A hold will be placed on your account before you can enroll in classes.