
Student Responsibility for Absence Reports and Make-Ups

Policy Number

Responsible 足彩平台 Office

Dean of Students

Policy and Procedures

Notifying instructors and arranging of make-up work in cases involving absence of students from class are the responsibility of the student. A student who is absent should notify instructors by phone, email, or in person of the absence as soon as possible. If contact with instructors cannot be made directly, the student should email their instructors explaining the nature of the situation and inquiring about the effect of the absence on the student's course work.

In serious situations where the student is incapacitated and temporarily unable to perform the aforementioned responsibilities, family members may contact the Dean of Students Office, (phone: 262-472-1533) for assistance with these matters. The Dean of Students Office will then provide notification (not verification) of the absence to the instructors; however, arrangements for make-up work, make-up exams, or possible assignment adjustments are the responsibility of the student. The University Health and Counseling Services and the Dean of Students Office do not provide excuses for absences from class due to illness.  Students should read their syllabi carefully and direct any attendance-related questions to the instructor of that course.

Students shall not be penalized for class absence due to unavoidable or legitimate required military obligations not to exceed two (2) weeks unless special permission is granted by the instructor.  Students are responsible for notifying faculty members of such circumstances as far in advance as possible and for providing documentation to the instructor to verify the reason for the absence.  The faculty member is responsible to provide reasonable accommodations or opportunities to make up exams or other course assignments that have an impact on the course grade.  For absences due to a student being deployed for active duty, please refer to the University's Active Duty Call-Up Procedure.


Violations will be handled like other work rule or policy violations.

Related Policies

Please reference information listed within the policy.

Policy History

First approved: Historical information unavailable
Revised & approved:     Historical information unavailable
Revised & approved:     06/29/2022
Reviewed & approved:  07/25/2023
Next review due:           06/29/2028