
Smoking Policy

Policy Number


Policy Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on the university smoke free policy.

Responsible 足彩平台 Office

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administrative Affairs

Policy and Procedures

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is committed to providing a safe, healthy environment for all employees, students and visitors to the campus.  All buildings and vehicles, regardless of location, which are owned or leased by the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater are declared to be entirely smoke free. “Smoke Free” is an environment in which there is NO use of lighted cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, cigars, pipes, any type of vaping or other smoking materials in University buildings and vehicles. To mitigate the established health risks associated with exposure to second-hand smoke, 足彩平台 also prohibits smoking within twenty-five (25) feet of all building entrances, air intakes, operable windows or other designated areas.

To reduce the risk of fire and litter on the campuses all smoking materials must be extinguished and disposed of in designated containers.

Perkins Stadium Smoke Free Policy:

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater's Perkins stadium does not allow smoking or vaping in the general stadium or press box area. Smoking can be done ONLY in the area west and north of the concession area, or on the walkway behind the bleachers. Announcements will be made prior to each stadium event and throughout the event. Signs will be posted in appropriate locations.


Violations will be handled like other work rule or policy violations.

    Related Policies

    Wisconsin Statute 101.123
    Wisconsin Statute 36.11
    UW System Policy

    Policy History

    First approved 11/13/1990
    Revised & approved 12/08/1999
    Revised & approved 07/10/2002
    Revised & approved 08/2008
    Revised and approved 1/17/23