
Required Disclosures for Participation in Certain UW System Services and Programs

Policy Number


Policy Purpose

In compliance with UWS Policy 136, 足彩平台 requires students to provide disclosures about the following prior to living in university housing, participating in study abroad programs or domestic travel study programs:

  • any prior felony pleas or convictions in which the student was treated as an adult during the proceeding; and
  • non­academic postsecondary disciplinary violations that resulted in expulsion, dismissal, or suspension.

Responsible 足彩平台 Office

Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs & Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs

Policy and Procedures

Inquiry & Review

足彩平台 shall ask the following two questions of any student seeking to participate in any of the programs or services identified in this policy. A student is required to disclose the below information:

  1. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? This includes pleading no­ contest or guilty to a felony.
  2. Have you ever been expelled, dismissed, or suspended from a postsecondary institution for a non­-academic reason?  

If a student answers ‘yes’ to either question, are provided an opportunity to provide further details, including a description of the incident(s), the date(s) and location(s), and any explanatory information the student wishes to provide.

Students who are seeking participation in programs and services described above are required to notify their institutions if the answers to either question change during their enrollment at the institution. Students may be subject to disciplinary action if there is a failure to disclose.

For University Housing, students are required to disclose the above information in the housing application at time of application. The disclosures will be reviewed per UWS Policy 136 by a representative from University Housing, a representative from University Police, and a representative from the Dean of Students Office.

For study abroad and domestic travel study programs, the Offices of Global Education or of Continuing Education will ensure the student completes the 136 Form Disclosure Form no later than six weeks prior to the related activity (travel or the start of the course). The disclosures will be reviewed per UWS Policy 136 by a representative from the program, a representative from University Police, and a representative from the Dean of Students Office.


Students can appeal an initial determination to deny the student access to a service or program covered by this policy. Appeals must be submitted in writing within ten calendar days of receipt of the committee’s decision to the appropriate identified personnel in the denial letter. The student will receive a final written decision within ten calendar days of receipt of the appeal.

Students appealing a decision related to University Housing may submit the appeal directly to the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, or designee.

Students appealing a decision related to study abroad or domestic travel study may submit the appeal to Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, or designee.

The appeal decision by the Vice Chancellor, or designee, is final.

Related Policies

UWS Policy 136

Policy History

Original Issuance Date:  11/24/2017
Revised 6/4/2019
Revised 1/26/2023
Revised & approved 1/26/2023

Scheduled Review

January 2028