
Nondiscrimination on Basis of Disability Policy

(Per Regent Policy Directive 96-6)

Source: Office of the Chancellor, Chancellor's Committee on Disability Concerns


The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is committed to making individuals with disabilities full participants in its programs, services and activities through its compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. The Board of Regents recognizes that individuals with disabilities may need accommodations to have equally effective opportunities to participate in or benefit from the university's programs, services, and activities.

It is the policy of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater that no otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall be denied access to or participation in any program, service, or activity offered by the university. Individuals with disabilities have a right to request accommodations to their needs in order to fully participate in or benefit from the university's programs, services, and activities in a nondiscriminatory, integrated setting.

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and any of its agents shall not coerce, intimidate, retaliate against, or discriminate against any individual for exercising a right under the ADA or Section 504, or for assisting or supporting another to exercise a right under the ADA or Section 504. The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater will not give significant assistance to an agency, organization, or person that discriminates on the basis of disability in providing any aid, benefit, or service to beneficiaries of the university's programs. 

    1. Disability means, with respect to an individual:
      1. a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the person's major life activities;
      2. a history of such an impairment; or
      3. being regarded as having such an impairment.
    2. A Qualified Individual with a Disability is someone who (with or without accommodations) meets the essential eligibility requirements for participating in programs, services, and activities provided by 足彩平台.
    3. Accommodation means adjustments including reasonable modifications to rules, policies, or practices; environmental adjustments such as the removal of architectural, communication, or transportation barriers; or auxiliary aids and services. Examples of accommodations include, but are not limited to: alternative testing, extended time, scribe, interpreter, environment free of distractions, brailled material, taped lectures, and computer assisted instruction.
    4. Essential Eligibility Requirements means the academic or other technical standards required for admission to or participation in 足彩平台 programs, services, or activities which an individual must be able to meet with or without accommodation.
    5. Individual means any person applying for admission to or participation in a program, service, or activity of the university, or any person currently participating in a program, service, or activity of the university.



  1. UW System Administration
    1. The President of the University of Wisconsin System shall appoint and maintain an Advisory Committee to provide information and recommendations relating to individuals with disabilities.
    2. The President of the University of Wisconsin System shall designate a Person or office to be a resource to the President's Advisory Committee, to act as a liaison to other agencies, and to assure that each institution has developed the procedures required by this policy.
  2. 足彩平台
    1. 足彩平台's Chancellor has appointed an advisory committee, including students, to provide information and recommendations responsive to the needs and concerns of individuals with disabilities. This committee is titled the Chancellor's Committee on Disability Concerns. The purpose of the committee is to identify and deal with campus wide concerns of persons with disabilities and to make recommendations to the Chancellor resolving problems and/or concerns that are brought to the attention of the committee.
      Membership: 1 representative Faculty/Staff from each College, 1 representative Technology & Information Resources, 1 representative Registrar, 1 representative Finance and Administrative Affairs, 1 representative Residence Life, 1 representative University Health & Counseling Services, 1 representative Communicative Disorders, 1 student S.A.S., 1 representative Project Assist, 2 representatives Disabled Student Services, 2 students WSG, Section 504/ADA Compliance Officer (ex-officio), The Chancellor (ex-officio)
      1. Applicants or students who believe that they may have been subject to discrimination on the basis of disability in any campus program, activity, or service should contact: Compliance Officer, Section 504 and ADA Regulations (non-employment), 1004 Roseman Hall (414) 472-4711. Employees should contact: Compliance Coordinator, Section 504 and ADA Regulations (employment) Office of Equal Opportunity, Hyer Hall.
      2. 足彩平台 will make available in suitable formats (e.g., enlarged, Braille, audio-taped):
        1. For the Students: 足彩平台's Reasonable Modification Procedures Staff Memo 8/15/96, which allows an individual, including both prospective and current students, to disclose a disabling condition and request accommodations believed needed to obtain equal access to and participation in university programs, services, and activities (See Appendix 1);
        2. For Employees: Policy and Procedures for Disability Accommodations document, which is a procedure for providing accommodations (See Appendix 2).
      3. Disabled Student Services (DSS) shall maintain data on the nature and extent of the services provided to individuals with disabilities. System administration has data collection requirements as part of the operational guidelines for implementing this policy.
      4. 足彩平台 shall provide accommodations to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in or benefit from the university and its programs, services, and activities in the most integrated setting appropriate.
      5. 足彩平台's Equal Opportunity Discrimination Complaint Procedures, and Appeals and Grievances Procedures provide for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action that would violate Title II of the ADA or Section 504. These procedures are applicable to any anticipated complaint, including an appeal of a denied accommodation request (See Appendix 3).
      6. 足彩平台 will not place a surcharge on a particular individual with a disability or any group of individuals with disabilities to cover the costs of measures that are required to comply with the provisions of Section 504 and the ADA.
      7. 足彩平台 will provide funding for auxiliary aids while an individual's application for funding by other agencies is being reviewed.
      8. 足彩平台's Office of Equal Opportunity, DSS, and The Chancellor's Committee for Disability Concerns shall provide periodic in service training for faculty and staff to develop their awareness and understanding of the needs of individuals with disabilities and legal compliance issues. Departments can request training from the Office of Equal Opportunity, Hyer Hall.
    1. Individuals with Disabilities
      1. Each individual is responsible for making timely and complete disclosures and specific requests regarding accommodations to meet his or her particular needs in order to enable 足彩平台 to provide an appropriate response. It is strongly recommended that requests for accommodations be made at least eight weeks prior to the date they would be needed to avoid delays which could affect participation in a program, service, or activity. To make a disclosure or request, employees may use the Personal Edit Sheet, which is sent to each employee at the commencement of each academic year, or by contacting the office of Equal Opportunity and requesting form DER DAY 10 (See Appendix 4).
      2. Each individual seeking accommodation based on a disability shall demonstrate initiative in obtaining and arranging accommodations. If requested, 足彩平台 will assist an individual in making the necessary applications for funding from other agencies.
      3. Each individual is required to submit documentation verifying his or her disability and limitations which is appropriately current and prepared by a qualified professional. Individuals submitting incomplete information may be asked to provide additional evaluations needed to determine the individual's eligibility for an accommodation or what constitutes an appropriate accommodation.
      4. 足彩平台 shall not require an individual with a disability to accept an accommodation, aid, service, opportunity, or benefit under any circumstances.
      5. Students with disabilities are expected to abide by the student conduct code in the same manner as all students.



    1. Existing Facilities
      1. Structural changes in existing facilities are not required when other methods provide program accessibility. Existing facilities shall be made readily accessible to qualified individuals with disabilities, through such means as:
        1. Redesigning equipment or the facility after case review.
        2. Providing appropriate signage.
        3. Reassigning classes, staff, or services to accessible sites.
        4. Delivering health, advisory, and support services at accessible sites.
      2. Remodeling projects which affect the usability of a facility or any part of a facility shall, to the maximum extent feasible, be completed in such a manner that the facility is readily accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities.
      3. 足彩平台 has adopted and published guidelines for disabled student building evacuation due to fire and tornado (See Appendix 5).
    2. New Construction
      1. The Campus Projects Coordinator is responsible for overseeing that each facility, part of a facility, major renovation, or addition constructed by, on behalf of, or for the use of 足彩平台 must be designed and constructed in such a manner that the facility is readily accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities as outlined in ADA.
    3. Off Campus
      1. 足彩平台 will make contractual or lease agreements for the use of off-campus facilities that reflect efforts to secure accessibility. Any program, service, or activity in that facility must be accessible.



    1. Admissions or Enrollment
      1. No information regarding an applicant's disability may be solicited to determine admission to 足彩平台. However, such inquiries may be made after an individual has been admitted for purposes of providing appropriate accommodations.
      2. The number or proportion of individuals with disabilities who will be admitted or enrolled to 足彩平台 may not be limited solely on the basis of disability.
      3. Tests administered for purposes of admission, enrollment, or placement may not discriminate.
    2. Testing
      1. Before tests are selected and administered, 足彩平台 first should confirm that assessments do not discriminate by ensuring that:
      2. Tests are selected and administered so that the results reflect aptitude or achievement level, or whatever other factor the test purports to measure, rather than the applicant's disability, unless the existence of a disability must be determined to allow an individual access to a program, service, or activity established for individuals with disabilities.
      3. The tests administered to individuals with disabilities are available as regularly and in as timely manner as are other admissions tests. The individual is responsible for making special needs known in a timely manner.
    3. Off-Campus Activities
      1. If a program is not wholly operated by 足彩平台, but requires student participation (for example, internships, co-op, and student teaching assignments), 足彩平台 shall attempt to assure that these activities, as a whole, provide an equal opportunity for the participation of individuals with disabilities.
      2. Prospective enrollees of 足彩平台's outreach programs are responsible for making requests for any special modifications or auxiliary aids. Registration forms and program announcements must allow applicants to identify special needs and request accommodation.
    4. Accommodations
      1. ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS--Academic requirements shall be modified, as necessary, so that they do not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities.
      2. PROGRAM EXAMINATIONS AND EVALUATION--Examinations or other procedures for evaluating an individual's academic achievements should, where necessary, be adapted to permit evaluating the achievement of individuals who have a disability, rather than reflecting the individual's disability.
      3. ACADEMIC SUPPORT SERVICES--No participant with a disability in a 足彩平台 program or activity shall be denied the benefits of, be excluded from participation in, or be otherwise discriminated against in the provision of educational support services available to all individuals in general.
      4. All auxiliary aids, services, or other accommodations used by individuals with disabilities to provide access to 足彩平台's programs, services, and activities need not be on hand or present at all times.
      5. 足彩平台 does not provide individuals with disabilities with personal devices or assistance for personal use, including but not limited to wheelchairs, eye glasses, hearing aids, personal assistance for eating or dressing, or readers for personal use.
      6. Accommodations shall not fundamentally alter the nature of the program, service, or activity; require waiver of essential program or licensure requirements; violate accreditation requirements; unnecessarily intrude on academic freedom; or pose an undue fiscal or administrative burden on the institution.
      7. 足彩平台 retains authority in determining appropriate accommodations after giving consideration to the request of the individual, the documentation provided, and institutional expertise in working with individuals with disabilities.
    5. Physical Education, Athletic, and Related Activities
      1. 足彩平台 requires that all physical education courses, intercollegiate and intramural athletics, and related activities, taken as a whole, provide an equal opportunity for the participation of qualified individuals with a disability. Individuals who cannot participate in standard physical education courses or compete in athletic programs with or without accommodation because of a disability may be offered alternates that are separate or different, provided that the programs and activities are operated in the most integrated setting appropriate. If accommodations are not possible in a required course, a procedure for requesting a substitution should be available.
    6. Health and Counseling Services, Insurance Availability
      1. Where 足彩平台 provides University Health and Counseling Services and endorses insurance plans, it shall afford these benefits to qualified persons with disabilities in a manner consistent with ADA. The University Health and Counseling Services must provide the same types and levels of service for all students, non-disabled and disabled. In addition, the University Health and Counseling Services should be prepared to provide individuals with disabilities with information about where specialized health services may be obtained if possible, if these services are not provided at the center.
    7. Housing
      1. ON-CAMPUS HOUSING--Where 足彩平台 provides on-campus housing/food services, it shall provide comparable, convenient, and accessible services at the same cost to individuals with disabilities.
      2. OFF-CAMPUS HOUSING--The Whitewater Student Government private off-campus housing list shall identify those units that are accessible to individuals with disabilities.
    8. Financial Aid
      1. Financial aid awards may take into account the special needs of individuals with disabilities. Adjustments to awards as allowed by the rules or regulations governing the financial aid program may be made by Financial Aid.
    9. Student Employment
      1. As part of the University of Wisconsin System, the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater complies with Title 1 of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 so that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in institutional employment opportunities.
    10. Advising, Counseling, and Placement Services
      1. 足彩平台 shall not counsel or advise qualified individuals with disabilities toward more restrictive career objectives than non-disabled individuals with similar interests. This does not preclude providing factual information about licensing and certification requirements that may present obstacles to individuals with disabilities in their pursuit of particular careers.
    11. Social Organizations
      1. Before providing official recognition or assistance to fraternities, sororities, or other campus organizations, 足彩平台 shall request and obtain assurance that the organization does not permit actions prohibited by this policy.



Date: August 15, 1996

To: 足彩平台 Faculty and Staff

Re: Reasonable Modifications

This procedure was developed for 足彩平台 instructional staff to follow in the event that requests are received for reasonable modifications under the Section 504/ADA regulations. They have been reviewed by the UW System Section 504/ADA Coordinator.

Reasonable Modification Procedure
    1. Instructional staff need to make known to their students that if they require "reasonable modifications" they need to meet with the instructor to discuss those needs. There should be a printed statement to that effect in the course syllabus and the instructor should make a verbal invitation at the first class session.
    2. If the staff member believes that s/he can provide appropriate modification based on the request of the individual absent any other information, the staff member should feel free to do so. However, if costs are involved in the request and the staff member wants a source outside his/her department to pay for the requested modifications; assurance of disability documentation; or, appropriateness of the requested modification(s), a referral to Disabled Student Services (DSS) must be made.
    3. Upon referral to Disabled Student Services, the student must:
      1. Sign a request for services based on the presence of a disability;
      2. Provide appropriate diagnostic information that establishes that s/he is a qualified individual with a disability; and,
      3. Request in writing the reasonable modification(s) sought to accommodate the qualifying disability.
    4. Based on the documentation provided, determination will be made by DSS staff as to:
      1. Whether or not the individual has a qualifying disability;
      2. Appropriateness of requested modification(s), and,
      3. Approval/disapproval of his/her requested reasonable modification(s).
      4. (If the individual does not agree with the determination, an appeal of the initial determination may be made to the institutional Section 504/ADA coordinator.)
    5. Disabled Student Services arranges (in consultation with instructional staff) to provide appropriate reasonable modifications.
      1. Examples of common reasonable modifications include: adapted testing (reader/writer/monitor); note taker, taped/large print materials; reader/writer service; and, library and lab assistants.





Source: Offices of the Provost and Assistant to the Chancellor for Equal Opportunity, Chancellor's Committee on Disability Concerns.


It is the policy of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities who are employees or applicants for employment. Reasonable accommodations will be provided in a timely and cost-effective manner. Questions regarding this policy should be addressed to 足彩平台's Assistant to the Chancellor for Equal Opportunity.


A. "Disabled individual." The term "disability" has the same meaning as "handicap" in state and federal law. [111.32 Wis. St.; ADA, 42 U.S. Code 12101 et.seq; and the Rehabilitation Act, 29 U.S. Code 794.]

A person is "handicapped" or has a "disability" if he or she:

    1. has a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more of such person's major life activities;
    2. has a record of such impairment; or
    3. is regarded as having such an impairment.

B. "Major life activities." Include functions such as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, etc.

C. "Qualified individual with a disability." An individual who, with or without reasonable accommodation, has the education, training, and ability to perform the essential functions of a job.

D. "Reasonable accommodation." The modification or restructuring done at the work site or in the work environment which enables persons with a disability to perform essential functions of a job for which they are qualified.


A. Applicants for EmploymentApplicants are invited to identify themselves as persons with disabilities on a card. Qualified applicants cannot be denied employment solely on the basis of a need to provide a reasonable accommodation.

B. Employees

  1. All employees will have the opportunity to identify themselves as persons with disabilities on the Faculty/Staff Information Sheet and the Faculty Employment Data Form.
  2. Employees are told about their right to request reasonable accommodations:
    1. during the orientation for all new employees.
    2. at the time of the biennial survey to allow employees to self- identify as persons with disabilities.
    3. in the University Handbook.
  3. An employee who wants to request an accommodation fills out the Disability Accommodation
  4. Request Form and gives it to his or her supervisor.
  5. The employee will be informed of the supervisor's decision regarding the accommodation request within ten working days.
  6. Employees may be asked to provide verification of their disability.
  7. The employee (or applicant) will be the primary person consulted with when determining the most appropriate accommodation.

C. The Appeal Process

  1. If an employee disagrees with a decision regarding an accommodation request, he or she has a right to appeal the decision.
  2. The appeal must be in writing, stating the reason(s) for the disagreement and sent to the Assistant to the Chancellor for Equal Opportunity within ten working days of the initial decision.
  3. The Assistant to the Chancellor for Equal Opportunity will review the appeal, may request any pertinent information, and make a recommendation to the Chancellor within 15 working days after receipt of the appeal.
  4. The Chancellor will make the final decision regarding the appeal within 15 working days after receipt of the Assistant to the Chancellor's recommendation.

D. Technical Assistance Resources

  1. Assistant to the Chancellor for Equal Opportunity.
  2. WI Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Field Office Supervisors or Placement Coordinators, 608-266-3655 [TDD 608-267-7772] (East), or 608-266-4551 [TDD 608-267-2090] (West).
  3. Easter Seal Society of Wisconsin (Access Wisconsin). Assistance regarding persons with physical disabilities, 608-257-3411.
  4. Job Accommodation Network (JAN), a computerized database of accommodation information which relates directly to job situations, 1-800-526-7234.
  5. Director, Technical Assistance; Federal Department of Health and Human Services, 300 Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL, 60606. 312-353-5160.
  6. The TRACE Center of the UW-Madison Hospitals and Clinics. 608-263-2237.
  7. Disabled Student Services, 472-4711 (John Truesdale, Director).
  8. Chancellor's Committee on Disability Concerns, 472-5442 (Marcia Pulich, Chairperson).
  9. State of Wisconsin Disabilities Rights Coordinator, 608-267-0509.
  10. Disabilities and Business Technical Assistance Center (ADA). 1-800-949-4232.




Source: Offices of the Chancellor, the Provost and Vice Chancellor, Office of Equal Opportunity, Equal Opportunity Committee.

Any employee or student who has reason to believe that he or she has been discriminated against in a University education program or activity or in their employment, may contact the Equal Opportunity Officer in the Office of Human Resources. Discussion or complaint can be verbal and informal; confidentiality can be preserved unless the complaint becomes written and formal. Informal solutions may be agreed to as an appropriate means to resolving an issue. If resolution cannot be obtained informally, the following formal procedures may be utilized:

  1. Send a detailed written complaint to the Equal Opportunity Officer, stating the specific actions considered discriminatory including time, date, place, manner, and parties who witnessed or would know about the events.
  2. This University follows EEOC and state guidelines. To be timely, the complaint must be filed within 300 days of the last incident complained about.
  3. Upon review of the initial facts, if the EO Officer concludes that, under the law, discrimination may have occurred, an investigation will be carried out. If the Officer concludes discrimination has not occurred, a written report of reasons will be made to complainant. Complainants may have recourse to state or federal agencies if they are dissatisfied with the "no discrimination" finding.
  4. If an investigation is commenced, it will include notice of the particulars of the complaint to the party complained against, and the party complained against will have 30 calendar days to respond; complainant confidentiality cannot be preserved at this time.
  5. The time frame for findings, conclusions, and recommendations based on the investigation is 30 calendar days from time of receipt of the written complaint by the EO Officer. In the spring semester, that may have to entail accommodation of summer break into the time frame.
  6. If the complainant is satisfied with the EO Officer's recommendations, they will be submitted to the Chancellor for consideration and decision. The Chancellor's decision, which may include specific actions or recommendations for discipline, is final. A party disciplined has resort to normal appeal procedures by policy. At that point, the EO Office phase of the case is closed.
  7. If the complainant is not satisfied with the findings and recommendations, within 15 days after receipt of them, a request for an administrative review by the Equal Opportunity Committee will be sent to the Chair of the Equal Opportunity Committee, who will convene the Committee.
  8. Within 45 days of receipt of the request by the Chair, the Equal Opportunity Committee will be convened, review the record and other documents, and render its recommendations. If the Committee needs any further information to clarify matters, the Chair will request it and receive it in writing.
  9. The Committee will make its recommendations to the Chancellor, who will make the final decision within 30 days.
  10. If the complainant is not satisfied, he or she can request administrative review by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Milwaukee, WI, when Title VII issues are involved, or the Office of Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education in Washington, D.C. when Title IX issues are involved, or the Division of Equal Rights of the Wisconsin Department of Employee Relations in Madison, WI.

 Discrimination Complaint Procedures Diagram 


Implementation of Non-Discrimination Statutes

Relative to University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Students

Source: The Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Wisconsin Statute, s.36.12 provide collectively, and in part, that: No student may be denied admission to, participation in, or the benefits of, or discriminated against in any service, program, course, or facility of the (UW) System or its institutions or centers because of the student's race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, disability, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital, or parental status. The Title IX Coordinator for 足彩平台 is the Assistant to the Chancellor for Equal Opportunities. Title IX specifically prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions.

I. CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING WHETHER THE PROHIBITION ON DISCRIMINATION HAS BEEN VIOLATED.In determining whether discrimination in violation of s.36.12, Wisconsin Statutes or Title IX, has occurred, the 足彩平台 through its Office of Equal Opportunities (OEO), shall apply state and federal statutes, regulations, and case law relevant to the basis of discrimination being alleged, including but not limited to such legal materials and precedents as Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, Wis. Stats. 101.223, Wis. Stats. 36.11(3)(a), the United States Constitution, the Wisconsin Constitution, and related regulations and case law. In any case where there is a question as to whether the action or conduct in question violates Wis. Stats. 36.12 or Title IX, the OEO shall consult with institutional legal counsel.


  1. Complaints alleging a violation of Wis. Stat. 36.12 or Title IX, must be brought forward to the Assistant to the Chancellor for Equal Opportunity within 300 calendar days of the alleged violation.
  2. If a complaint is made informally and orally only, the appropriate response would be oral by way of discussion, guidance, mediation, or other informal action. If a formal investigation is warranted or desired, the complaint shall be in writing.


  1. The Office of Equal Opportunities (OEO) will be responsible for:
    1. Reviewing each complaint.
    2. Providing procedural advice and counsel to the complainant, including referring the complainant to another process, if appropriate (as for example, if the issues in question are more properly handled as a grade appeal or a general grievance).
    3. Conducting the initial investigation of complaints, including receiving written response(s) by the person(s) complained against.
  2. Where the Office of Equal Opportunity refers a complainant to another relevant complaint or grievance procedure, further action on the matter will be taken in accordance with that other procedure.
  3. Where the OEO retains jurisdiction and determines after investigation that no discrimination in violation of s.36.12 or Title IX has occurred, the complaint will be dismissed by the EO Officer, and the complainant and any other interested parties will be so advised.
  4. Where the EO Officer determines after investigation that discrimination in violation of Wis. Stat 36.12 or Title IX has occurred, the EO Officer may:
    1. Attempt to resolve the matter through mediation among the involved parties; or
    2. Recommend remedial action to eliminate the discrimination to the appropriate administrators; or
    3. Refer the matter for appropriate review and consideration of possible action under established disciplinary procedures, where misconduct by faculty, staff, or students appears to be involved.
  5. The EO Officer will complete the investigation and make written findings of facts and recommendations within 30 working days of receipt of the written complaint.
  6. If action is taken pursuant to paragraph 4(c) above, the time limit and procedures for such disciplinary matters shall apply.
  7. If the EO Officer's recommendations are accepted by the parties, that will be considered dispositive of the issues.
  8. If the EO Officer's recommendations are not accepted by the parties, an appeal can be taken within 10 working days of receipt of the report. The appeal should be in writing, stating the basis and proposing alternatives to the recommendations, and forwarded to the Assistant Chancellor for Student Affairs.
  9. The Assistant Chancellor for Student Affairs will review the record and any other information deemed pertinent and may also recommend and/or attempt an alternative resolution. If no resolution is achieved, the Assistant Chancellor will forward his/her recommendations to the Chancellor within 20 working days of receipt of appeal.
  10. The Chancellor will make the final decision within 20 working days. In all matters involving an alleged violation of Wis. Stats. 36.12 or Title IX, the Chancellor's decision shall be final, except that the Board of Regents may, consistent with the Bylaws of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, conduct a review on the record.



Employee Disability Accommodation Request Form 



Faculty/Staff Responsibilities

Faculty and staff are expected to direct the evacuation from their work area. They are responsible for knowing the primary and alternative routes of exit. When the situation involves a disabled student, they will assist according to students' directions given in the beginning of each semester.

Disabled Students' Responsibilities

In an emergency situation, it is critical to your health and safety that you are familiar with your needs during evacuation. You are expected to convey these needs to your residence hall director and instructors at the earliest possible date, preferably during the first week of each semester. The guidelines below are important to follow.

Pre-Emergency Preparation

  • Be familiar with buildings and their exits.
  • Be familiar with the distinct fire/tornado alarm signals. Fire signal: intermittent ringing of bells. Tornado alarm signal: verbal information from staff.
  • Know the safest method people could use to assist you. Know how many people you need to provide that assistance.
  • Be prepared to explain how and where a person(s) should support you. Practice instructions beforehand.
  • Place a sign on your chair with above instructions if you have communication difficulties.
  • Carry a loud whistle, horn or similar device you can operate. You may need to use it to alert people of your location if you become trapped.
  • While attending class, position yourself near a doorway for easier exit. Do not block doorway.

Emergency Procedures-General Guidelines

  • Remain calm.
  • Never use an elevator in a fire or tornado emergency.
  • Treat every alarm as an actual emergency.
  • In a fire emergency, your first choice is evacuation.
  • Leave all material in room/class to avoid wasting time.
  • Follow signs to exits.
  • Be prepared to abandon your electric chair.
  • Avoid smoky stairwells.
  • If helpers would not be able to carry you safely, opt to wait in a safe location for emergency personnel.
  • For fire emergencies never re-enter a building until permitted by emergency personnel.

Fire Emergencies

In the event of a fire or notification of a fire by building or voice alarm, it is important to follow these guidelines. If fire is in room where you are located, exit area immediately, closing door behind you. Pull fire alarm. Evacuate the building. Call 9-911 from on campus; 911 if off campus and report fire and location. Stay on the phone until emergency staff hangs up.

A. Residence Hall Fire Evacuation

Decide whether you must exit the building immediately or remain in your room and be assisted in exiting. In any event, carry your room key with you. You may need to return to your room if exits are blocked.

--Unassisted room exit

  • If exit is clear (not smoke filled) and you are able to self evacuate, do so immediately.
  • Go to nearest exit-enter if clear and exit the building.
  • If nearest exit is smoke filled, go to alternate exit and evacuate immediately.
  • If your primary and alternate exits are smoke filled, return to your room and wait for help.
  • If room becomes smoke filled, get on the floor.

--Assisted room exit

  • If you need assistance to evacuate, stay in your room and wait for emergency crews to arrive.
  • Unlock door, if possible. Close window and door. Open (do not break) window if room becomes smoke filled. If smoke starts pouring in window, close it.
  • If primary and alternate exits are smoke filled, return to your room with your buddy and wait for help.
  • If area becomes smoke filled, try to get on the floor.

B. Other Building Fire Evacuation--Unassisted room exit

  • If way to exit is clear, and you are able to self evacuate, do so immediately.
  • Go to nearest exit-enter if clear and exit the building.
  • If nearest exit is smoke filled, go to alternate exit and evacuate immediately.
  • If primary and alternate exits are smoke filled, distance yourself from smoke and flames.
  • If area becomes smoke filled, get on the floor.

--Assisted room exit

  • Helpers will act on your instructions.
  • If area becomes smoke filled, get on the floor.

Tornado emergencies

In the event of a tornado or notification of tornado by voice or mechanical alarm, these guidelines are important to follow:

Residence hall, academic and other building locations--Unassisted tornado response

  • Go to an interior hallway on lowest floor.
  • Get away from windows and other glass sources.
  • Avoid auditoriums/gymnasiums or other structures with wide, free-span roofs.
  • Get under a sturdy table or other structure.
  • Protect head and face.
  • Avoid south or west exposures.

--Assisted tornado response

  • In academic buildings, faculty/staff or emergency crews will assist you to a safe location in the building.

For information contact 504 Coordinator, Disabled Student Services, at 472-4711 or Risk Management and Safety at 472-1856. 

As amended October 2002